The Profiteers Page 48
El Paso Natural Gas, 101
Engelhardt, Tom, 240
Engineering News-Record (magazine), 308
Enka, 211, 216, 306–07
Enron, 226, 227
environmental cleanup projects, 158, 206, 217, 231, 293, 304
audits of, 247
hurrican Katrina and, 244, 245–48, 262
after nuclear power plant accidents, 10, 149–50, 152, 216
Equitable Life Insurance Company, 336n122
Eubanks, Alice Elizabeth Bechtel, 8, 23
Eubanks, Brantley M., 8
Export Council, 229
Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank; EXIM)
Aqaba pipeline proposal and, 170, 171, 188
Bechtel’s financing using, 216, 229, 349n190
Casey as head of, 132
Croatian roadway project and, 216
Indian power plant project and, 226
Iraq projects and, 170, 171, 188, 200
Russian loans from, 100, 101–02, 110
nuclear energy facilities and, 102
Sausi Arabia and, 61
Steve Sr.’s position with, 95, 101
Taiwan projects and, 157
F-15 jet fighter bombers, 127–28, 165
Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia, 58, 122, 125
Faisal II, King of Iraq, 1, 5
Farley, Terry, 242
Federal Aid Road Act, 25
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Bechtel’s South Korean project and, 349n190
environmental crimes and, 269
McCone and, 66, 75
Lee’s espionage case and, 252, 253
Pollard’s arrest by, 14, 181–82, 346n181
possible bribery of South Korean officials and, 349n190
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 164, 246, 248
Federal Financing Bank, 296
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 116, 119, 122, 336n122
Feinstein, Dianne, 292
Feith, Peter, 306–07
fertilizer plant construction projects, 58, 95, 101
Financial Times, 176, 198, 232
Fluor Corporation, 122, 336n122
Flynn, Raymond, 207
Flynn, Tom, 198
Fonda, Jane, 149
Forbes (magazine), 8, 135, 213, 214, 219, 220
Ford, Gerald, 89, 111, 113, 116, 125, 126, 130, 132, 146, 153, 163, 167, 281
Ford, Henry, 25, 86
Ford Motor Company, 25–26
Foreign Affairs (magazine), 98
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977), 190, 349n190
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 132
foreign policy. See US foreign policy
Foreign Policy (magazine), 210, 307
Foreign Relations Committee, Senate, 139, 145
Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), 152
Forrestal, James, 66, 67
Fortune (magazine), 6, 29, 32, 47, 52, 53, 86
“four horsemen of the apocalypse,” 277–78, 282, 318
“Four Horsemen of the Non-Apocalypse,” 153–54, 282, 283–84
Frank, Barney, 207
Franks, Tommy, 235
Freedom of Information Act, 290, 318, 363–64n290
Freeh, Louis, 253
“Free Jonathan Pollard” movement, 14–15, 300
Fremont Group, 219–20
Fremont Properties, 220
Friedman, Alan, 172, 176
Friedman, Milton, 113, 167, 245–46
Friends in High Places (McCartney), 310–11
Gabon, 304
Galbraith, Francis J., 96
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 249
Garbuzov, Vasiliy, 110
Garner, Jay, 235, 240
Gatwick Airport, London, 9
Gejdenson, Sam, 200
General Accounting Office (GAO), 52, 162, 240
General Construction Co., 30
Generals Highway, Sequoia National Park, 25
Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies, 309
Getty, J. Paul, 85
Getty Oil Company, 85
Giuffrida, Louis Onorato, 164
Glaspie, April, 193, 201
Glickman, Daniel R., 261
globalization, 203, 236
Goethals, George Washington, 31
Gofman, John, 268
Goldwater, Barry, 89
Gonzalez, Henry, 198–99
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 258
Gore, Al, 254
Gottlieb, Robert, 33, 42, 89, 136, 145
Government Accountability Project, 293
government owned and contractor operated (GOCO) model, 157, 258
Grand Canyon, 28
Great Depression, 11, 12, 30, 34, 38
Greece, 121, 208
Greeley, Horace, 21
Greider, William, 148, 153, 199, 308
Guardian, 168, 173, 307
Gulf War, 200, 212, 241, 269
Gusterson, Hugh, 251, 252, 265
Gwertzman, Bernard, 111
Gwilliam, J. Gary, 264, 285–90
background of, 285–87
earlier successful cases brought by, 287–88
Habib, Philip C., 142, 147, 148, 165, 168
Habiger, Eugene A., 253
Haifa, Israel, project proposal, 124
Haig, Alexander M. Jr., 140–41, 142, 143, 144, 147, 155, 165
Haldeman, Robert, 110
Halliburton, 82, 239, 244
Hamad International Airport, Doha, Qatar, 9
Hamilton, Lee, 300
Hammer, Armand, 94, 101–02, 215
Hanauer, Stephen, 120–21
Hanford Site, Washington (nuclear reactor and radioactive-waste treatment plant), 10, 68, 256, 292–93
Harriman, Ed, 240
Hart, Parker T. (“Pete”), 122–23, 170
Hartung, William D., 281
Harvard University, 40, 118, 164, 268
Hecker, Siegfried, 254–55
Helms, Richard
Allende coup in Chile and, 97, 98–99
as Bechtel consultant, 99, 127, 128, 162
as CIA director, 80, 97–98, 162
Kennedy’s assassination and, 80
Henry J. Kaiser Co., 30
Herbert, Bob, 230
Hercules Powder Company, 50
Heritage Foundation, 163, 229, 309
Hersh, Seymour, 128, 235, 301, 329n80, 344n174, 346n178
Hezbollah, 187
Hiltzik, Michael, 28, 38
Hiroshima bombing, Japan, 10, 68–69
Hobson, David, 11, 263
Hoffman, Gil, 182
Hoffman, Ian, 254, 255
Hogan and Hartson, 129
Holder, Eric, 298
Holocaust, 177
Hong Kong, 9, 208, 211
Hoover, Herbert, 26, 31, 55, 88, 89, 118
Hoover Dam, 28–42
background to development of, 30–31
Bechtel’s reputation after, 59, 296
Boulder City community built for, 39, 40, 41, 318
completion of, 37, 44
Crowe as chief engineer during construction of, 34–36, 38, 39, 40
Dad Bechtel’s work on, 26–27, 38, 40, 41, 42
deaths during construction of, 40, 42
diverting Colorado River for, 36–37
as engineering epic, 29
government contract in, 12, 32–33, 38–39
heat conditions during construction of, 39–40
joint venture for construction of, 29
modern machinery used for, 36
safety violations and labor unrest at, 38, 40–42, 62
as signature project for Bechtel, 6, 29, 44
Six Companies’ construction of, 29, 36, 47
Steve Jr.’s childhood visits to, 86
Steve Sr.’s work on, 6, 38, 48
utility company connection from construction of, 71
western development powered by, 30, 31, 33
workers on, 35, 42, 317
working conditions on, 39–40
Hoover Institution, 163, 318
Hore-Lacy, Ian, 261
Hoskinson, Samuel, 132
hospital construction projects, 5, 122, 235, 241–42, 243
Hoyle, Russ, 228
Hull, Cordell, 219
Humphrey, Hubert, 90
Hurricane Katrina, 244, 245–48, 262
Hussein, Qusay, 2, 238n356
Hussein, Saddam
Aqaba pipeline proposal and, 169, 170–71, 172, 188–89, 192, 200
Bechtel’s business relationships with, 15, 87, 124, 168, 171, 230, 233, 234, 237
chemical weapons used by, 168, 169–70, 173, 200, 230
CIA operations and, 80
Iran-Iraq war and, 169–70, 172
Osirak nuclear reactor attack and, 141
PC2 petrochemicals complex and, 180–81
Pollard’s intelligence information on, 180–81
Reagan administration and, 141
Rumsfeld’s visit to, 168–69
seizure of Republican Palace headquarters of, 1–2
terrorists supported by, 170
Hussein, Uday, 1, 2, 235
hydroelectric plant construction projects, 9, 43, 71, 233
hydrogen bombs (H-bombs), 69–70, 149, 251
Ickes, Harold L., 41–42, 51
Illich, Jim, 236
Imperial Chemical Industries, 85
Imperial Valley, California, farms, 30, 37
Independent (London), 99, 237
India, 87, 94, 120–21, 123, 226, 274, 305
Indonesia, 95–96, 123, 205, 209, 225
Industrial Workers of the World, 40–41
infrastructure projects, 5–6, 9, 30, 62, 63, 82, 95, 134, 135, 162, 208, 209, 216, 233–34, 235, 306–07, 304
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), 169, 229
Intelligence Committee, Senate, 141, 181, 292, 301
Interagency Contingency Operations Plan, 177–78
Inter-American Development Bank, 112
intercontinental ballistic MX missiles (ICBMs), 162
InterGen, 218, 220, 225–26
International Herald Tribune, 172
International Monetary Fund, 112, 308
International Bechtel Inc., 59, 76, 306
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 97, 318
International Water, 222
Investigative Reporting Program, University of California at Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, 307–08
Bechtel’s projects in, 63, 64–65, 78, 127, 168
Bechtel’s ties with the Shah and, 87, 121, 124
hostage crisis in, 133, 138–39
intelligence gathering in, 65
Khomeini and Islamic revolution in, 168
Mossadegh’s overthrow in, 65, 76
oil industry in, 65, 96, 168
Shah’s proposed restoration in, 65
US clandestine sale by weapons to, 347–48n185
Iran-Contra affair, 187–92, 240
background to, 187–88
Bechtel and, 213
Colley’s murder in, 77, 192
investigation of, 187, 190
Meese’s resignation and, 191–92
Pollard affair and, 184–85, 347n185
Rappaport’s involvement in, 189–91
Rumsfield’s visit with Saddam about pipeline and, 188–89
Weinberger’s role in, 185–86, 188, 191, 213–14, 302
Iran-Iraq war, 167–68, 169, 172, 176, 187
Bechtel employees as hostages in, after US invasion, 201–02
Bechtel’s arrival in, 5
Bechtel’s business relationships with, 15, 124, 168, 192–94, 197
Bechtel’s headquarters in Republican Palace in Green Zone in, 3–4, 242
Bechtel’s projects in, 5–6, 63
Bush’s reconstruction plans for, 5, 202, 235
chemical weapons production facilities in, 174, 176, 180–81, 198–99, 230, 237
CIA operations in, 80, 175
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in, 238, 239–40
depth of feeling about Israel held by, 188–89
ISIS in, 3
Israel’s bombing of reactor in, 141, 142, 175
lobbying for projects in, 141, 166, 173, 189–90, 194
PC2 petrochemicals plant in, 175–76, 180, 184, 197, 199–200, 201, 202–03
Reagan administration and, 141–42
Rumsfield’s visit with Saddam in, 166, 167, 168–71, 172–73
Saddam’s use of chemical weapons in, 168, 169–70, 173, 200, 230
Shultz’s support for Bechtel’s projects in, 166, 167, 168–73
US financing of projects in, 198–99, 200–01
US invasion of, 3, 201
weapons of mass destruction of, 3, 172, 199, 228, 229
Weinberger and weapons transfer to, 188, 198
Iraq Petroleum Company, 62
Iraq War, 3
iron-ore slurry pipelines, 146
irrigation construction projects, 235
Arab boycott of trade with, 124, 125–26, 129, 146
Bechtel’s pipeline project in Iraq and guarantee from, 188–90, 191, 192
Bechtel’s business approach and, 148
Bechtel’s refusal to build in, 61, 124, 125
bombing of Iraqi reactor by, 141, 142, 175
Connally’s proposal on borders of, 131
depth of Iraqi feeling about, 188–89
distrust of Bechtel by, 124–25, 189
espionage operations against American targets by, 15
“Free Jonathan Pollard” crusade and, 14–15
Iran-Contra affair and, 188
Kerry’s proposal of prisoner swap for Pollard with, 301
nuclear test ban treaty and, 274
Pollard’s concern about threats to existence of, 174–76, 177–78, 180, 184–85
Pollard’s documents returned by, 182
Pollard’s release requested by, 13, 298, 299
Pollard’s spying for, 15, 178–82, 300
Qaddafi in Libya and, 306
Reagan administration and, 140–41, 142, 165, 166
Six-Day War (1967) of, 168
US spying on prime ministers of, 14
US support for, 61, 168
Weinberger’s hostility toward, 139–41, 142, 174–75, 303
J. F. Shea Co. Inc., 30
J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation, 56–57
J.P. Morgan & Company, 57, 112
J.P. Morgan Bank, 109
Jackson, Henry (“Scoop”), 102, 110
Jacobson, Todd, 258
Jamail, Dahr, 238
Bechtel projects in, 121, 211
Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings in, 10, 68–69
US foreign policy and, 83–84, 89
Jerusalem Post, 174, 182, 301
Jewish workers
Justice Department charges of discrimination against, 126–27
Saudi Arabian projects and exclusion of, 61, 124–25
American spy cases involving, 13, 182, 183
Pollard affair opinions of, 13, 14, 183
Steve Sr.’s opinions on, 124, 204
Weinberger’s ancestry and, 117, 118, 174–75
Johnson, Lyndon (LBJ), 80, 81, 82, 95
Johnstone, Clint, 204
Johnstone, Shana Bechtel, 204
Jubail project, Saudi Arabia, 9, 122–23, 127
Juhasz, Antonia, 201
Kaiser, Edgar, Jr., 88
Kaiser, Henry J., 26, 30, 41–42, 54
Kamil, Husayn, 193
Kapleau, Philip, 269
Kazakhstan, 211
Kearns, Henry, 101, 102–03
Kearns International, 103
Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), 233
Kennecott Copper Corporation, 122
sp; Kennedy, John F. (JFK), 112
assassination of, 80–81, 82, 131, 318
Bay of Pigs invasion and, 78
McCone’s disagreements with, 82
normalization of relations with Cuba and, 81
plots against Cuba and, 78, 80
as president, 87, 119
proposed CIA reform by, 78
Kennedy, Joseph P. Sr., 78
Kennedy, Robert
brother’s assassination and, 80–81
plots against Cuba and, 78
Kerry, John, 301
Keystone Pipeline System, 9
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruholla, 168
Kim Jong-il, 281
King, Ralph, 226, 309
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 140
Kissinger, Henry, 238
Allende coup in Chile and, 97, 98–99
as Bechtel consultant, 99, 121, 126–27, 184, 209
Bechtel’s participation in Arab boycott of trade with Israel and, 126–27
biotech company Theranos and, 305
on George Shultz, 109
Iran-Iraq war and, 172
Nixon administration and, 110, 132
nuclear nonproliferation and, 276, 283–84
nuclear technology export and, 146
Pollard affair and, 300
Klamath River Highway, California, 25
Klein, Aaron, 302
Klein, Naomi, 230, 245, 246
Klotz, Frank G., 294
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Niskayuna, New York, 294–95
Koch brothers (Charles and David), 11, 309
Koch, Ed, 165–66
Koch Industries, 7
Komes, Jerome, 85
Kondrake, Morton, 140
Kopf, Rick, 219–20
Koppel, Ted, 175, 233, 234
Korb, Lawrence, 139
Korea, 89
Kosovo, 306–08
Kostikov, Valeriy, 81
Kurtz, Howard, 150
Bechtel projects in, 62–63, 202–03, 206, 212
Iraqi invasion of, 200, 201, 202
oil industry in, 62, 85, 202, 242
Kuwait Oil Company, 62
Kwitny, Jonathan, 104
Kyl, Jon, 281–82
Labaton, Stephen, 311
Labor-Management Advisory Committee, US Treasury Department, 95
Laird, Melvin, 133
Lando, Barry, 193
LANS LLC, 258, 263, 270, 271, 282
Lardner, George, 190
La Rocque, Gene, 137
Latin America, 64, 96, 146, 225
Lauer, Eliot, 302
Laughlin, Robert B., 296
Lawrence, Ernest, 251
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, 154
background of, 10–11
founding of, 251
layoffs at, 263–64
LLNS, LLC, formed by Bechtel to manage, 258, 263–64, 265–66, 283, 289, 290, 294
National Ignition Facility at, 265–66
national laboratory system with, 157
University of California management of, 252, 253
Lebanon, 168